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  • MIEM Holds ‘Electronics, Photonics and the Internet of Things’ Summer School

MIEM Holds ‘Electronics, Photonics and the Internet of Things’ Summer School

MIEM Holds ‘Electronics, Photonics and the Internet of Things’ Summer School

© Mikhail Dmitriev/ HSE University

Over three days, the participants learnt about the main subject areas of the master's programmes of the HSE School of Electronic Engineering. About three dozen undergraduate students and graduates from different Russian universities took part in the summer school. Leading MIEM teachers and visiting lecturers from Russian companies were among those who spoke about promising areas of development in electronics, photonics, quantum technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The intensive school programme included lectures, master classes and workshops covering subject areas of the School of Electronic Engineering master's programmes in ‘Applied Electronics and Photonics’ and ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’.

Alexander Yurin, Head of the summer school ‘Electronics, Photonics and the Internet of Things’

The Summer School is a unique chance to learn more about the school's master's programmes in a short time, talk to teachers and academic supervisors, learn about portfolio evaluation, and determine a learning trajectory.

The Master's in Applied Electronics and Photonics is related to the research, development, production and practical application of modern electronic means in communication and telecommunications systems, information display and processing, as well as research into such promising technologies as photonics, quantum computing, quantum communications and quantum sensors. The school featured four talks dedicated to engineering in electronics, micro- and nanoelectronics

Professor Igor Kharitonov, Associate Professor Dmitry Popov, and senior lecturer Maria Krasivskaya conducted a series of master classes on CAD in electronics, micro- and nanoelectronics, technological modelling of electronic components and modern measuring technologies.

Senior lecturer Pavel Korolev spoke about modern software tools for calculating reliability, as well as about ensuring the reliability of electronic components and devices. This field has been developing at MEIM since its foundation and is becoming increasingly relevant in the production of devices for various purposes.

In a session on quantum nanoelectronics and materials, associate professors Renat Ikhsanov and Ivan Monakhov spoke about modern problems in optoelectronics and the materials used to create solid-state electronics.

Roman Ozhegov, Associate Professor of the Quantum Optics and Telecommunications Joint Department with Skontel, made a presentation on the basics of quantum cryptography as part of a session on the technological foundations of quantum computing and quantum communications.

The Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems are new and dynamically developing areas of knowledge studied in MIEM’s corresponding master's programme. Ilya Ivanov, Academic Supervisor of the programme, and leading experts from Russian companies presented the programme to participants of the school. The students learnt about the history of the industry and listened to talks on ‘What Is the Internet of Things?’, ‘The Internet of Things as a Creation of the Peripheral Nervous System of the Planet’, and ‘A Review and Analysis of the Security of the Internet of Things’.

Ilya Ivanov, Academic Supervisor of the ‘Internet of Things and Cyber-physical Systems’ programme

Until recently, ‘the Internet of Things’ was just a marketing term, but now it has become an established and actively developing industry. The Internet of Things is multidirectional and interdisciplinary in nature. IoT experts combine three specialisations: developer, integrator and product/project manager. This feature is part of our master’s programme.

The organisers of the school demonstrated the structure of the master's programme’s educational process to the participants, many whom plan to continue their master's studies at MIEM.

Maxim Ulyanov, graduate of MIEM HSE undergraduate programme, school participant

‘I liked the event—it was well organised, the lectures were very informative with a lot of useful and interesting information, the material was detailed, and the teachers presented it in an interesting way. On the one hand, you understand what you can learn in MIEM master's programmes, and on the other hand, the lectures are useful in general.’

Valeria Pashkovskaya, graduate of MIEM HSE undergraduate programme, school participant

‘During the three days of the summer school, we got to know the teachers and the experts from companies related to IoT, as well as learn about the admissions and study process of the master's programme. After two years of studying remotely, the online format works well, so both the speakers and the students could deliver and listen to lectures comfortably and ask questions. It was nice to see people you know again and immerse yourself in lectures after long work on your thesis.’

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