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HSE ICEF Receives High Praise from University of London

Mary Stiasny at 2019 ICEF graduation ceremony

Mary Stiasny at 2019 ICEF graduation ceremony
© HSE University

The University of London (UoL) has completed the monitoring of the performance of Teaching Centres that operate under the Teaching Centres Recognition Framework. Upon consideration of the information gathered, the performance achieved by International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) has been rated as excellent.

Тeaching Centre Annual Monitoring (TСАМ) is a key initiative that evaluates programme efficiency and promotes educational quality. Every year, in order to analyze the data and evaluate programmes on a statistical basis, the University of London forms a committee of experts representing itself and other institutions that provide academic supervision of international programmes. The committee considers factors such as student recruitment and retention, student performance at module and programme level, correlation with previous results, and more.

Mary Stiasny, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) at the University of London, sent ICEF Director Sergey Yakovlev an official letter. ‘The TCAM Executive Group agreed that International College of Economics and Finance should be commended for an excellent examination pass rate. We appreciate the efforts you make to support University of London students in Russia and look forward to a continued successful working relationship with your institution,’ Professor Stiasny wrote.

The letter also emphasized the HSE students' excellent examination pass rate—88%—which is considerably higher than the international average of 78%. In 2019, the average grade earned by ICEF students in subjects taught at the University of London international programme exceeded 60, with the global average being 48.

Last year, the University of London awarded 70 ICEF students with prizes and acknowledgement letters for their outstanding achievements. A total of 47 graduates of the HSE/University of London bachelor’s programme received first-class diplomas from the University of London (over 30% of all graduates).

See also:

ICEF Awarded Diplomas to Graduates of Bachelor's and Master's Programmes 2024

More than 200 graduates gathered in the hall of the HSE Cultural Centre, where their parents, the leadership of HSE University and ICEF, teachers, and numerous guests came to congratulate them.

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HSE University Graduates Share Their Thoughts on Working Abroad

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When the Borders Are Closed, Study ‘Abroad’ in a Double Degree Programme

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